after we have added a second virtual network adapter in a guest,
the replication and backup job stop with the following error: "task failed Error:. Object xxx not found".
How can I remove the old guest entries in the VEEAM database so that I can add the Server(guest) again?
Simply remove job and create new job does not help!
On a new fresh VEEAM(V6.01) Installation, this backup of the guest works fine.
Thanks a lot for help.
i think that is not the same error message (Network Adapter not found).
The error message is "THE OBJECT <SERVERNAME> not found".
If I plan and running a backup Job on an other VEEAM-Server, who don't know the guest (Object) bevor, it works fine.
It is possible, that there are old entrys in the VEEAM database (wrong IP?)?
Ping etc. works fine. The VEEAM Version is now 6.1.
Hello, When attempting to run a replication backup on 3 of our servers I receive the failed error of: "Processing configuration Error: Cannot find virtual ethernet card with nic [4001]". All other servers within this environment are replicating and backing up perfectly without any issue.
Paul, what Veeam B&R version are you running? Have you recently performed any changes to the virtual hardware for these VMs or is this the very first run of the replication job?
Hi all, i receive the same error message " :: Processing configuration Error: Cannot find virtual ethernet card with nic [4001]."
I'm tryng to replicate a vcenter&veeam server to a datastore of another single host.
I have changed the source vm network card type from e1000 to vmxnet3 (editing the vmx file).
hy foggy, you are right, i'm using the last one version
I have not contact the support team yet..i always look and ask to the forum before that.
According to the case mentioned above, the issue was resolved after removing some entries from the replicated VMs configuration file. Please contact support directly to confirm your environment and get instructions on possible resolution.
Hi foggy, i had contacted veeam support.
We have resolved removing this parameter ethernet1.features = "1" from vmx file.
I'm looking to understand what is it, but i can't find info about it