I have an issue with B&R v6 with only one VM (Exchange with 3 vmdks). The job starts normally (good speed) for the 2 first vmdks, and then starts the backup of the third vmdk normally before being slowed dramatically and seems to be stuck.
For information I've another job to replicate the same VM which has no pb. The 2 jobs don't work at the same time
Everything seems to be OK on the vmware side (no network, cpu or vram bottleneck).
I checked the logs of this job and there is the following error: "There was no finalized server sessions during the last 60 minutes" and then WARN|CDiskLibContext::WaitAllDisksClosed() timeout occured.
Looks like there is some sort of connectivity issue, though I'm not sure why it occurs for the 3rd disk only. Debug logs should definitely help to pinpoint the reason for that.