I'm trying to migrate our Veeam environment to PostgreSQL. I upgraded the Enterprise Manager and B&R servers to v12.1.1.56 first.
But when trying to create a backup of the Enterprise Manager database it fails and specifies it can't write to the file.
The disk is large enough. I ran a repair of Enterprise Manager which has not solved the issue. A file gets created at the specified path, but error message "Unable to write to configuration backup file." appears.
Veeam One has been installed on the same server in the past, but I have uninstalled it and reinstalled Enterprise Manager. I read here that it might cause issues? veeam-backup-replication-f2/failed-conf ... 91680.html
Code: Select all
PS D:\program files\veeam\Backup and Replication\Enterprise Manager> .\Veeam.EM.DB.Migration.exe /file:"C:\tmp\BEMConf.emco" /backupemdatabase /encryptionpassword:1l0v3KB5 /encryptionhint:bestpassever
Veeam EM DB Migration Version
Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Veeam Software Group GmbH
Keep in mind the following compatibility limitations:
1. Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager with a PostgreSQL based configuration database will not be able to manage backup servers with a Microsoft SQL Server based configuration database. Migrate all your backup servers to PostgreSQL prior to migrating Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager to same.
2. Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager migration utility supports one way migration from Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL only. Migration from PostgreSQL to Microsoft SQL Server is not currently supported.
For more details, please refer to the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Help Center.
Backing up entry configuration.xml...
Unable to write to configuration backup file.