Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Changing target location of replication job in V6.

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Ok, thanks for the update. Can you please describe how did you do mapping? Did you run the job a couple of times and then re-mapped it to a replica VM?
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Full Name: Phil Freund

[MERGED] Feature Request - integrate Storage vMotion with Re

Post by philfreund »

Please integrate Storage vMotion awareness with Replication. I just replaced the disk array that provides storage for one of my VMware 6.0 clusters. Rather than migrate a large number of TB of data between old and new disk arrays, I created new datastores on the new disk array and used Storage vMotion to move my replica VMs to those datastores. Everything seemed fine until my replication jobs started failing after trying to use the old datastore as a target and not finding it since I had deleted it.

I opened a case (02127298) and based on the info from the support engineers, found that I had to either remove the configuration information from the database and rerun the replication job using the low latency option for replica seeding or delete all of the replicas and rebuild as new so that it would recognize the new datastore name. (On a practical basis, it is massively faster to delete the replica(s) and rebuild as new due to the time required to process through the disk digests; however you do lose all of the historical restore points.)

This is terrible since it means that I can't dynamically adjust the replica datastore locations without having to go through a messy process of rebuilding the replicas and losing the replica restore points.
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Alexander Fogelson

Re: Changing target location of replication job in V6.

Post by foggy »

Hi Phil, you should re-point the job to the new location prior to its first run after the migration. In this case it should continue normally.
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Full Name: David Whittle

[MERGED] Change Datastore of replicated VM's

Post by davidwh »

Does anyone know the procedure to move replicated VM's from one datastore to another?

Nothing fancy, its the same vcenter/host, we just want to if possible storage vMotion the replicas then reconfigure the job if it is that simple?

Veeam Software
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Full Name: Alexander Fogelson

Re: Change Datastore of replicated VM's

Post by foggy »

storage vMotion shouldn't affect Veeam B&R jobs, since VM ID will not change. Just check the job settings - destination datastore specifically.
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