One of our tenants is using the Veeam Cloud Director Plugin to manage their backups/restores in the VMWare Cloud Director Portal. Recently they had a job that finished with warning due to quota being reached. However, they were being provided with the below in the email notification:
"Processing finished with warnings at 3/7/2024 12:52:06 AM"
They would like to receive more information, showing the actual reason why it finished with warnings, such as the below which is taken from one of their jobs:
"3/7/2024 12:51:59 AM :: Backup location [S:\Backups] is getting low on free disk space (1.8 TB free of 30 TB). "
Can the information above be made visible in the email notifications as well? As a side note, we have removed the notification settings from the Portal and set the notifications from the Veeam Console, hoping they will "override" some sort of configuration

The same goes for the info being made available in the Veeam Cloud Director portal. When the details for the job with warning is selected, the only info displayed is this:
Processing finished with warnings at 3/7/2024 12:52:18 AM
Can there be more information regarding the actual error/warning? Such as the one below, taken from the same job but from the Admin portal:
"Removing VM snapshot
Backup location [S:\Backups\Symplify] is getting low on free disk space (1.8 TB free of 30 TB)."