we're currently evaluating Veeam B&R 12 to backup a RHEL8 VM with PostgreSQL WAL backups.
We're using a non-default directory for the PostgreSQL data directory and postgresql.conf file (/pgdata/15/data)
The PostgresAgent component can't find the config file:
cat /tmp/PostgresAgent.log
Code: Select all
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.168] <140268061101568> postgres | Collecting PostgreSQL root data...
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.168] <140268061101568> postgres | Added config dirs are [], excluded config dirs are [].
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.168] <140268061101568> postgres | Searching PostgreSQL configuration files...
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.168] <140268061101568> postgres | PostgreSQL configuration file is searched in [/etc/postgresql/].
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | [-] Nothing found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | PostgreSQL configuration file is searched in [/var/lib/postgresql/].
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | [-] Nothing found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | PostgreSQL configuration file is searched in [/var/lib/pgsql/].
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/backups/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/backups/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | [-] Nothing found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | Searching PostgreSQL configuration files... ok.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | Collecting PostgreSQL root data... ok.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> pgsqlagen| PostgreSQL agent is waiting for terminating application command session.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268033341184> | Thread started. Role: 'Application command thread.', thread id: 140268033341184, parent id: 140268061101568.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.177] <140268033341184> postgres | ->: Command: {Name: explore_host, {ExploreHost: {}}}.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.177] <140268033341184> postgres | Command flow timeout has been reset.
Is this assumption correct? If yes, where can I configure the config dirs in which the PostgresAgent searches for postgresql.conf ?
Best regards,