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PostgreSQL instance not found on RHEL8 VM

Post by Bkp4273 »


we're currently evaluating Veeam B&R 12 to backup a RHEL8 VM with PostgreSQL WAL backups.
We're using a non-default directory for the PostgreSQL data directory and postgresql.conf file (/pgdata/15/data)

The PostgresAgent component can't find the config file:

cat /tmp/PostgresAgent.log

Code: Select all

[17.08.2023 15:00:46.168] <140268061101568> postgres | Collecting PostgreSQL root data...
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.168] <140268061101568> postgres |   Added config dirs are [], excluded config dirs are [].
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.168] <140268061101568> postgres |   Searching PostgreSQL configuration files...
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.168] <140268061101568> postgres |     PostgreSQL configuration file is searched in [/etc/postgresql/].
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |     [-] Nothing found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |     PostgreSQL configuration file is searched in [/var/lib/postgresql/].
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |     [-] Nothing found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |     PostgreSQL configuration file is searched in [/var/lib/pgsql/].
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/backups/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/backups/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       PostgreSQL configuration file [/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf] is tested.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |       [-] Not found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |     [-] Nothing found.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres |   Searching PostgreSQL configuration files... ok.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> postgres | Collecting PostgreSQL root data... ok.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268061101568> pgsqlagen| PostgreSQL agent is waiting for terminating application command session.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.169] <140268033341184>          | Thread started.  Role: 'Application command thread.', thread id: 140268033341184, parent id: 140268061101568.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.177] <140268033341184> postgres | ->: Command: {Name: explore_host, {ExploreHost: {}}}.
[17.08.2023 15:00:46.177] <140268033341184> postgres | Command flow timeout has been reset.
I stumbled upon the line "Added config dirs are [], excluded config dirs are []." ... this could indicate that custom config dirs can be added/excluded.

Is this assumption correct? If yes, where can I configure the config dirs in which the PostgresAgent searches for postgresql.conf ?

Best regards,
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Re: PostgreSQL instance not found on RHEL8 VM

Post by rovshan.pashayev »

That sounds like a technical issue. Please provide a support case ID for this issue, as requested when you click New Topic.
You can open case even with Evalution trial.

Without case number, the topic will eventually be deleted by moderators.

Best regards,
PS: support can only help if you upload logs
Rovshan Pashayev
Veeam Agent for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris
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Re: PostgreSQL instance not found on RHEL8 VM

Post by Ivan239 » ... ml?ver=120
If you keep configuration file in the custom directories or if you want to exclude some directories from scan, you can manually create the /etc/veeam/VeeamPostgreSQLAgent.xml file
For example: <config ExcludeConfigDirs="/etc/postgresql/13/cl4/,/etc/postgresql/13/cl6/" AddConfigDirs="/pgdata/15/data/"/>
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Re: PostgreSQL instance not found on RHEL8 VM

Post by Bkp4273 »


perfect - that's the solution.

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