For example I have VM with one NIC connected to the same network as Veeam server. There is no DHCP service running on that subnet.
So the NIC has default addresses:
Code: Select all
Ethernet adapter Ethernet0:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix ..:
Link-local IPv6 Address.............: fe80::4474:f593:a18c:4c6%12
Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address:..:
Subnet Mask.........................:
Default Gateway.....................:[/i]
Code: Select all
[i]Interface: ---0xc
Internet Address Physical Address Type 00-50-56-b6-bc-4d dynamic[/i]
1) Is VBR pushing those entries throughs VMware Tools into guest OS?
2) Is VBR trying to use any kind of network during restore of guest files if there is anything available (IPv6 only)?
3) What is other way for VBR to restore guest of files directly to VM when network connection is not available (through VMware tools?).
For this particular VM i was trying to restore some files. During restore process those files showed up for few seconds, then dissapeared from original folder. and at the end didn't really showed up i VM. Veeam reported success.
After successful backup of that VM i was trying