Very strange thing happened a couple of days ago, the case #'s 5177609 & 5177612. Note that I'm not sure why there's a second case #, but I do know that when I went back to the case to upload some screenshots, a second case was created and both the original & the new one has all the original attachments as well as the new screenshot attachments.
I started getting a VM failing in a backup job

Investigation showed that the agent couldn't run because the admin password was wrong.
Code: Select all
Line 3639: [07.03.2012 01:40:19] <01> Error 'Cannot connect to the host's administrative share. Host: []. Account: [<domain>\administrator].
Line 3640: [07.03.2012 01:40:19] <01> Error Win32 error:Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
Line 3641: [07.03.2012 01:40:19] <01> Error Code: 1326

Looking at the VMware folder it shows (and you can see the VM in the folder below):

This VM is also already part of it's own backup job, assigned by the group that it is in (and completes successfully there):

Support is telling me that this VM must be assigned to the backup job some how, but I just don't see it.
Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated!