Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by rollem67 » 2 people like this post

Some kind of manager would be nice. Lets say i have to backup several laptops and would like to manage the backup jobs from a central site instead of locally on each laptop.
Mike Resseler
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Re: Feature Request - Manage backups

Post by Mike Resseler »


As we stated, today it is a standalone product and there won't be any manager at the time of GA. But we certainly will keep your feedback in our mind for later use. It would be great if you could tell us what some (or all) things are that you want to be able to do with that manager.


Vitaliy S.
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Re: Feature Request - Manage backups

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Just a side question on this feature request - how should these laptops be managed? Are they always on the local LAN or they could also be used during travels?
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Re: Feature Request - Manage backups

Post by cu_north » 1 person likes this post

I have to add my +1 to this feature. Centrally managed by VBR might be nice. Other features might include:

1. Using central server (VBR) to push agents to endpoints that utilize VSS.
2. Agent endpoints can backup to Backup Repository.
3. Manage/Schedule backups via VBR or similar central area.
4. Traveling, remote computers maybe backup locally until they can sync with repository, perhaps when they rejoin the LAN/Domain.
5. Same backup triggers available like Backup on Lock, etc.

Just some suggestions! Thanks!

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Re: Feature Request - Manage backups

Post by jonaz »

I totally agree with cu_north. Having this product fully integrated with Veeam B&R would solve a ton of current feature requests, such as a central application.
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Re: Feature Request - Manage backups

Post by tinkererguy »

Mike Resseler wrote:Hi,

As we stated, today it is a standalone product and there won't be any manager at the time of GA. But we certainly will keep your feedback in our mind for later use. It would be great if you could tell us what some (or all) things are that you want to be able to do with that manager.


Mike, thanks for boldly putting that question up!

I've used Ghost and other cloning and backup tools (Acronis, Clonezilla, Macrium, etc.) since the late 90's. I now have about a dozen PCs in my extended family that have a lot of duplicate data, backed up daily (when things work right), for the last 7 years or so, starting with Windows Home Server.

I know for my family, any potential replacement for my my current W2012R2E (Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials) server VM (under ESXi) must meet these requirements:
1) full bare metal restore capabilities, with full UEFI and >3TB drive support, and handling restore to smaller SSDs (that are big enough to hold the actual data)
2) automatic scheduling of remote machines, even those that are coming in remotely over VPN (so can't use WOL/magic packets), for those daily backups
3) some sort of single-instance-storage or dedupe, eg., one Windows 8.1 PC should take up about the same space (on the data store chosen for backups) as ten PCs would
4) ability to grow the backup repository easily, ideally some sort of simplified Veeam B&R-like appliance (deployed with OVA) intended to be left running 24x7
5) restores faster than W2012R2E (which is no speed demon once you get past around 2TB of backup data and/or about 5 PCs)

From what I've seen and read, it seems item #1 is taken care of already (I haven't actually gotten the beta yet), but some sort of simplified central management interface could help with items 2/3/4/5.

Yeah, that's asking a lot, just brainstorming. I know, easier said than done!
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Re: Feature Request - Manage backups

Post by tinkererguy »

I see here, Anton Gostev's request for "Feature request submissions": ... 24611.html
which asks for separate topics for each suggestion. I'll split these ideas off if it'd help, but was trying to get started a dialogue going, under the appropriate umbrella of "Manage backups" first.
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Feature request - Management throught Webinterface

Post by MikeV »

For remote access. Management of basic functions through an webinterface
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by roelvdw » 1 person likes this post


I agree with this.
It would be very nice if there is a central console to backup Laptops/Desktops from one central point to an external disk / BU Target Veeam.
Nice feature should also to able to backup Physical Linux Destkops/Portables. Even MAC OS X NoteBooks and iMAC's.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Keyser » 3 people like this post

Wait, please remember the whole point of this product and your design is the KISS approach to complicated matters :-)
Please do not change much in this free edition of the product - especially no web management interface!!!.
It should only be locally managed like today - maybe with an easy option to deploy agents and configs via AD policy.

What you should do is make 2 feature licenses to VBR called respectively "Managed ENDPOINT BACKUP" and "Managed PHYSICAL SERVER BACKUP".

The License "Managed PHYSICAL SERVER BACKUP" should add the following to VBR:
A new Navigation point called "PHYSICAL Machines" where you can do much the same as under virtual machines today - namely add managed servers, create jobs and restores.
When adding a server you essentially deploy a headless agent to a server (No localSQL, no user interface) and you should be able to do so by wizard, by AD policy or complete manually by downloading installer.
This agent just sits idle on the physical server waiting to be contacted and instructed to do backup. It should use/be a veeam proxy component like the virtual solution does today so all servers in the same job is Dedup'ed, compressed and shipped to a repository. Scheduling should be exactly the same as virtual machines - maybe called Physical Backup?. The same copyjob, tapejob and so forth should be possible.

The License "Managed ENDPOINT BACKUP" should add the following to VBR:
A new Navigation point called "ENDPOINTS" where you can do much the same as under virtual machines today - namely add endpoints, create jobs and do restores/Create recovery boot ISO's.
When adding an ENDPOINT you essentially deploy a small agent to a machine with No localSQL but a small GUI to restore and initiate a manual backup (if allowed).
Adding endpoints should be done by wizard, by AD policy or completly manually by downloading installer.
This agent is designed to get its next backup job config from the VBR server. It uses a configurable polling timer to request scheduling updates from the server. Prior to attempt polling or backup it does a DNS lookup for a special DNS name. If that name is available it start polling or doing backup if scheduled (or overdue).
Everytime it completes a backup it automatically gets its next backup schedule. The agent only ever knows about the next backup it should complete.
This agent should use destination infrastructure just like you do today in the free edition. Scheduling and destination setup is done centrally at the VBR console.

As far as I can tell these features should not require to much development as it uses technology, modules and features you have today. This would make VBR the ultimate backup solution in my book and still honour the KISS koncept.
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Full Name: Kaneda Shotaro

Feature Request - Cloud Dashboard to Manage Clients

Post by KanedaShotaro »

Would be nice to have a cloud dashboard to manage all the clients that are setup for backups. Also would be nice to be able to publish a installer on the dashboard and a way to email a link to a user so the user could install the software.
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Full Name: Craig Karl

Feature Request - Central Admin Console

Post by Craig_karl » 1 person likes this post


I know this will be a free product moving forward, but it would be nice to have a Central console where you could manage up to 25 devices, push the veeam endpoint client, configure the backup and have it report successes and failures.

Integration into B&R looks to already be in the works, but for smaller SMBs who don't have the need for a full B&R infrastructure this would be a nice tool to have to backup their machines out there without having to visit each device and configure them.

Vitaliy S.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Craig,

Thanks for the feedback. What about restore capabilities? Do you also plan to do at least FLRs from that central admin console?

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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Craig_karl »

File Level restores would be good as well. But I think if it was me I would want to be able to do that from the endpoint and the admin console.

I agree with everyone else's idea for what needs to be in the console, ability to push out the endpoint agent, centralize the backups on to a server repository or NAS device, set backup policies and jobs, all units would be on the local LAN, and if they missed a backup window then some sort of reporting would be great.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Got it, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
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Re: Feature Request - Manage backups

Post by motoxrdr21 » 1 person likes this post

Mike Resseler wrote:Hi,

As we stated, today it is a standalone product and there won't be any manager at the time of GA. But we certainly will keep your feedback in our mind for later use. It would be great if you could tell us what some (or all) things are that you want to be able to do with that manager.


I have to add another +1 to the central management console. Features that would be nice to have:
-Remote deployment of agents, either through the console or using an msi and Group Policy.
-WakeOnLan (or similar) that works in conjunction with scheduled backups so we don't have to rely on a separate task to wake or power on endpoints.
-Location detection (likely based on a list of subnets or gateway IPs) so traveling agents don't push a backup over a WAN or VPN link.
-Scheduled reporting, emails when a client hasn't been backed up in N days, or a backup fails.
-Client grouping (either manually or by OU)
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by nvetrano »

A nod to the console requests. As I understand it there will be some management in the Veeam B&R Console added in the future. But what about a web management for Endpoint, like the Veeam Enterprise Manager? Then perhaps having only a restore request accessible to the end user, and the admin being able to run the file restore right from the web console.
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Full Name: Sam Pahlavan

Veeam Endpoint Management Solution?

Post by SamVan »

Roadmap/Future Functionality Question:
wondering if Veeam is thinking about designing a management solution for Endpoint.Or should still rely on VBR if need mgmt?
Endpoint Management solution would let the Backup admin, create new backup schedules, backup policies that could encompass multiple machines and control the entire environment using one single pane of glass. The difference would be that Endpoint unlike VBR can also backup physical machines in a management, global fashion. Being able to backup physical machines is a new, welcomed, long-awaited and most anticipated functionality from Veeam.
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Full Name: Jordan Pangborn

Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by jordpangborn » 1 person likes this post

It would be nice to have a Central Management Console for remote deployment, configuration and general management for a domain environment.
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Full Name: Breno Fernando Ribas

Feature Request: Console Administration

Post by breno.ribas »

Hello everyone,

I think so the administration of Veeam Endpoint should be centralized from a console.

For example: I can configure a default backup job for 100 machines in the same time.

I believe that this option is very useful for big companies.

Thank you,

Breno Ribas
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Dima P. »

Hello and welcome to the community,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts – we keep track of the similar requests in this thread, so I’ve merged your post to the existing discussions.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Catsrules »

Does using Veeam backup and replication give feedback on how the backups went if we store the backups on B&R server? We have Veeam backup and replication all setup for our VMs but we have a few physical stragglers that this would be the perfect solution for using Endpoint backup.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Yes, there will be limited statistics displayed about the jobs targeted to the backup server.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Catsrules »

Excellent, I can't wait.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by illiac4 »

Without central management Veeam Endpoint Backup is just another local backup software.
There are certain companies that are willing to pay for licenses to do backups from central admin console.

The central admin console should have features, that also enterprise level antivirus software has.
1. Integration with AD to read the OU or. computers.
2. Option to install/deploy the Veeam backup from central admin console to specific computers or. whole OUs.
3. Have an option to change backup setting and schedules job from central console.
4. Allows you to edit jobs or apply predefined jobs.
5. On client computer it should run as minimal as possible and should not use local mysql but instead have an option to use Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure (no gui needed on client).
6. It should have an option to send report to admin every day at specific time. Just like the Veeam Backup does.
7. It would be very practical for laptop users to be able to use CDP to backup files.
8. For end users i assume that bare-metal restore is usable but in corporates those things are not so usabe since the deployment is done differently. Something like if the disk chrashes the os is deployed over deployment server then gpo or. sccm does the job to install the needed software. Then the joining into the domain is being done and the backuped files are being restored to the client and he can start using the machine.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by ninjaburn81 »

illiac4 wrote:Without central management Veeam Endpoint Backup is just another local backup software.
Thaaaaaat's exactly what it's meant to be. ;)

I see and mostly agree with what you are suggesting here (many points match with a previous post of my own) but what you are mainly suggesting would require the system be rewritten as an agent-based software package. I would note that though not a bad idea, it's outside of the scope of the current application. The best option IMO is to embed some "phone home" triggers into the software that would be triggered with a paid enterprise license where statistics are shared between the local software and a "bolt-on" management console. That would give everything the corporations want in a reasonable time frame, and then in a few years Veeam can see impact/usage and decide if resources are there to build a complete enterprise package.

Just my thoughts...
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Full Name: Fabricio

Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by fyerovi »

Hi Veeam Moderator.

We all understand that the intention of Veeam Endpoint is to be an end-user solution, but many of us use it as an entreprise solution, therefore we NEED a central management console. Free edition is fine for your brand to be expanded worldwide and you guys are doing and incredible job! but many people is relaying in Veeam as an enterprise solution, as it does with B&R.

Please consider launching a PAID solution of Veeam Endpoint (yes, enterprises are OK with a Paid solution as long as it facilitates IT teams), and I encourage you guys consider this soon!..

Thank you.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Fabricio,

There is some good feedback on minimum features required for this central management console, as well as probably reporting on backup job states of Endpoints. BTW, how many Endpoints do you currently have? Just want to understand a possible number of managed endpoints by this console.

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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by fyerovi »

Hi Vitaliy..

Thanks for your quick reply. We are propartners and have several customers. My business particularily attends about 200 computers per customer, but you may find several more... Perhaps you may think of a Basic license with basic features, in the begining to launch first... My own suggestion.

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Re: Feature Request - Central Management Console

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Got it, thanks! Do you consider doing restores from this remote console? Usually end users should be able to do this themselves from the Endpoints, and bare-metal restore as well as volume restore should be done on site anyway.
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