I'm facing an issue with one of our customer's tape job. There are many jobs running and in "success" but not this one...
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Failed to create backup metadata info: System.Exception: Could not find tape storage location (diskStorageId: fa75d7c7-761c-41cc-809b-aeb5be555aa4). ---> System.Exception: Tape storage not found (tapeStorageId: fa75d7c7-761c-41cc-809b-aeb5be555aa4). à Veeam.Backup.Core.Jobs.Tape_Jobs.Backup.TapeStorageRepository.Get(Guid tapeStorageId) à Veeam.Tape.Core.TapeBackupMetaGenerator.GetTapeStorageLocation(Guid tapeStorageId) --- Fin de la trace de la pile d'exception interne --- à Veeam.Tape.Core.
Failed to create backup metadata info: System.Exception: Could not find tape storage location (diskStorageId: fa75d7c7-761c-41cc-809b-aeb5be555aa4). ---> System.Exception: Tape storage not found (tapeStorageId: fa75d7c7-761c-41cc-809b-aeb5be555aa4). à Veeam.Backup.Core.Jobs.Tape_Jobs.Backup.TapeStorageRepository.Get(Guid tapeStorageId) à Veeam.Tape.Core.TapeBackupMetaGenerator.GetTapeStorageLocation(Guid tapeStorageId) --- Fin de la trace de la pile d'exception interne --- à Veeam.Tape.Core.
Failed to create backup metadata info. Error: Tape storage not found (tapeStorageId: fa75d7c7-761c-41cc-809b-aeb5be555aa4).
Failed to backup some full backup files, skipping the corresponding incremental backups