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Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by rhnb »

Case: 5168898

Last night 2 VMs in 2 separate jobs failed with the error....

25/01/2012 00:28:45 :: Unable to truncate transaction logs. Error: KeepSnapshot error: [Freeze job already stopped.]

Subsequent retry's fail with the error...
25/01/2012 12:09:05 :: Error: Oib already exists in point 'id=xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx:type=Normal:alg=Increment:creation_time=24/01/2012 19:02:00'

I can back them up without using VSS.

I've looked at 'vssadmin list writers' and they're all showing as Stable, no errors on the vm's in question.
I've rebooted one of the servers - still no joy.

Anyone else seen this and know a solution?

Cheeers... allan.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by rhnb »

Just in case anyone else has this issue.
The answer from tech support was 're-create the job'.

Actually, I didn't do that in the end as it would have been a real PITA - affecting lots of other VM's.

So, I moved the offending VM to another folder in vCenter, then ran the job we use to backup that folder. All worked fine.
I could now remove the VM and re-register and put it back where it came from but I'll leave it where it is for now. I can move some stuff around to even up the job sizes/times. Luckily we use a DataDomain for our repository so retention of deleted VM's isn't an issue. We're seeing >90% de-duplication rate using that.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by foggy »

Allan, glad to hear you've found the resolution. But can you tell how would recreating a job affect the VMs? Did you consider to use backup files mapping to point the new job to the existing backup chain?
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by rhnb »

Interesting you should ask that foggy. I was wondering that myself, so I'd asked if it's the 'job' that's affected or the backup 'files' of that job. (I wanted to know if I moved that VM back to its original job it would now work or still fail), but I haven't had a reply yet.
If you can confirm the following, then I'm happy to try it...

Delete the job (lets call it MYJOB) - but leave the VBK files etc.
Create a new job (can I still call it MYJOB? or must it be a new name?) and then map the MYJOB.VBK/VBI files to it?
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by JoshF »

When I had this, noticed deleting the offending VM from the chain seemed to do the trick..
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Vitaliy S. »

rhnb wrote:I could now remove the VM and re-register and put it back where it came from but I'll leave it where it is for now.

I was wondering that myself, so I'd asked if it's the 'job' that's affected or the backup 'files' of that job. (I wanted to know if I moved that VM back to its original job it would now work or still fail), but I haven't had a reply yet.
Deleting VM from inventory and re-registering it in the VI is similar to job recreation procedure, as this VM gets new ID and is treated as a new one. The corresponding backup job will be successful after that, but a new backup chain will be created for this VM, unless you map this VM into existing backup files.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by rhnb »

Thanks for all the help with this.
I'm happy to leave the VM in it's new home (job).
My main concern was that the original job/backups were somehow compromised now and I'd be better off trashing it anyway, but it would seem not.
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Full Name: Todd Richert

Error: Oib already exists in point

Post by trichert »


I know there is another thread on this topic, but it has gotten severely off topic on making Veeam fix this bug in v6.

I've been running Veeam for 2 years, from esx 4 to esxi 4.1 to esxi 5. This error has never occured before Veeam v6, now it happens all the time. I got so fed up with it I took the stock answer of rebuild jobs, i deleted ALL my jobs and started them all over, initial full ran fine, on the first reversed incremental poof theres the error on one of my SQL server jobs. This is a problem in the Veeam software, and it needs to be fixed ASAP it is a critical flaw I am not sure why so many in these forums are accepting of answers like "rebuild the job" "remove the vm and readd it to inventory (which all redoes a full backup on that server". Can we get an ETA on what Veeam is doing to resolve this issue internally? Please? Thank you!
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Re: Error: Oib already exists in point

Post by foggy »

Todd, we have several issues reported regarding this error, but our QC could not confirm the issue internally. We still need additional info and if you could open the case and provide full logs for investigation, this would probably help us to localize the possible problem and fix the issue. Thanks.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by k00laid »

I've been running into this since upgrading to v6 as well. I'll get a case opened today.
Jim Jones, Sr. Product Infrastructure Architect @iland / @1111systems, Veeam Vanguard
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Full Name: Todd Richert

Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by trichert »

We have an open case, and it has been very frustrating. Support treats us like this is a rare us only error and I know that is not the case which is why I brought it to these forums. First call was 'apply patch 2', next day same error, 'oh patch 3 came out last night that will fix it! apply that!' (obviously shooting completley in the dark, very annoying) apply patch 3 same error. We've sent logs, it happens consistently and only since v6.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by foggy »

Todd, what is your case ID?
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by CCB-IT »

I am also experiencing this error. I am opening a support case now. My biggest question is what the heck does it mean? And also, did the job actually backup anything on the VM generating the error?
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by foggy »

OIB stands for object in backup. After the VM is being backed up, the logs truncation operation fails causing the job to perform a retry and backup this VM again (while it already exists in the backup file). Actually, we've managed to reproduce this and it will be addressed in one of the following updates. Thanks.
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Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Ben Milligan »

You can workaround this issue for now by expanding the backup set, right-clicking on the problematic vm(s) and deleting from disk (This is also why removal from dynamic org folder did the trick). The next job run will run a full for that particular guest. To avoid this on non SQL/Exchange servers, just disable log truncation as it is not necessary. For SQL/Exchange, we'll need to ensure VSS is functioning properly for log truncation, if that is how you are leverage Veeam VSS in your restoration planning/process.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Ben Milligan »

Also would like to know your case number, Todd, the last case I see open for you was in December. We can review the details certainly.

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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by CCB-IT »

Just so I can be certain, deleting it from the disk will remove all backup points for that VM correct?
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by foggy »

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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Gostev »

Just to update, our support now has the hotfix for one of the OIB issues (there are a few) available. Open a support case to have your issue investigated, and if your issue is the same, you will receive the hotfix. Thanks!
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by dwoodward »

Where is that patch?
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by mbell98 »

I've run into this problem a few times myself. Do we need to open a case with tech support to get this hotfix?
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Yes, all hotfixes are available through our support team only.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by lobo519 »

Question - This past weekend I got this error on 5 of my VMs. After trying the delete from backup work around I now get this error "3/4/2012 2:06:21 PM :: Error: The remote procedure call failed RPC function call failed. Function name: [DoRpc]. Target machine: [IP or repo]." The first disk seems to process fine but the second fails after processing it for quite some time. with the above error.

Is this related?

Note I was running a new full back in a new repo - normally reverse incremental
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by ZachW »

No, these are two un-related errors. For this issue please create a ticket with support.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by averylarry »

Support case #5177017.

This is the response I just received from tech support:

Hi Ted,
With the error that you are getting:

OIB already exists

You can workaround this issue for now by expanding the backup set, right-clicking on the problematic vm(s) and deleting from disk (This is also why removal from dynamic org folder did the trick). The next job run will run a full for that particular guest. To avoid this on non SQL/Exchange servers, just disable log truncation as it is not necessary. For SQL/Exchange, we'll need to ensure VSS is functioning properly for log truncation, if that is how you are leverage Veeam VSS in your restoration planning/process.


(the support person's name)
No warning that the backups will be lost (or acknowledgement that they are already corrupt and lost). No mention of the patch that in theory is available (unless they actually investigated my logs and determined that the patch isn't relevant).
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Cokovic »

Is it really necessary to delete the backup from disk?

Just asking cause for us it worked to delete the job, recreate it and then map the existing backup. The next run everything was fine again.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by foggy »

There are several OIB issues currently, it is quite possible that some of them do not require deleting backups from disk.
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Cokovic »

Thanks for info. Then i think i'm a lucky one that i don't need to delete existing backups :D
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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Ben Milligan »

All - if you do incur this behavior, I do advise retrying with truncation disabled or set to truncate immediately for this specific error "Oib already exists in point 'id=...'" following failed log truncation. This is in of course accordance with your SQL/Exchange log truncation recovery policies for your environment in mind. There are instances where this can be recoverable, and deleting from disk is the final, worst case scenario option. Please engage our support directly for assistance with any OIB errors you may have experienced.

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Re: Oib already exists in point 'id=...'

Post by Tom Bale »

Vitality, I have contacted support for the hotfix and even linked to this thread but got this reply:
Hi Tom,
Unfortunately, there is no hotfix for that OIB issue, but the current workaround is:

You can workaround this issue for now by expanding the backup set, right-clicking on the problematic vm(s) and deleting from disk (This is also why removal from dynamic org folder did the trick). The next job run will run a full for that particular guest. To avoid this on non SQL/Exchange servers, just disable log truncation as it is not necessary. For SQL/Exchange, we'll need to ensure VSS is functioning properly for log truncation, if that is how you are leverage Veeam VSS in your restoration planning/process.
Job Ref#5176842

As someone else says this could be very misguiding to some, suggesting to delete from disk but not mentioning that this will remove previous backups. I am having this problem with an Exchange server and after forcing a full backup I still recieve this error message so I will try to truncate logs at the start of the job but I do not want to disable it entirely. Could this be at all related to the fact that that Exchange backup can take anything up to 20 Hours for us?
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