Over a week ago we were getting the following in the backup failure reports;
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Agent Backup job: IntelNUC
Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Error
Sunday, 11 February 2024 22:00:00
Success 0 Start time 22:00:00 Total size 19.6 GB Backup size 0.0 B
Warning 0 End time 22:01:46 Data read 4.4 GB Dedupe 1.0x
Error 1 Duration 0:01:45 Transferred 2.9 GB Compression 1.0x
Name Status Start time End time Size Read Transferred Duration Details
IntelNUC Error 22:00:01 22:01:45 19.6 GB 4.4 GB 2.9 GB 0:01:44 One or more bad blocks were detected and skipped and skipped in the source disk
Error: Cannot process pending I/O request (offset: 28058845184, size: 65536): async reader terminated Corrupted block processing thread failed unexpectedly Failed to upload disk. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}. Exception from server: Cannot process pending I/O request (offset: 28058845184, size: 65536): async reader terminated Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [9390]. Failed to download disk '50f5cc69-4da2-47ad-a384-fe605dfacfaf'
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[13.02.2024 07:14:53] <29> Info [AP] (5c0d) output: --asyncNtf:--vdisk_corrupted:\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy5
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[AP] Waiting for completion. Id: [0x12538bc], Time: 00:30:00.0122884
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[AP] (2f76) output: --asyncNtf:Pipeline timeout: it seems that pipeline hanged.
[AP] (b90b) output: --asyncNtf:--busy: Target backup repository is overloaded.