I try to create a Scale-Out Repository with 2 extents :
- 1st extent (Repository 1) is used actually as remotely target for backup copy job VMs & backup copy job for Windows Agent
- 2nd extent (Repository 2) is newer and never used, it will be a member of Scale-out repository with "Repository 1", to store backup copy jobs.
When I want to create Scale-out repository, I have an error :
Unable to add extent "Remote - Repository backups VM" because it serves as the target for one or more job types which are not supported by a scale-out backup repository

This job (Backup Copy Job - SVBRPRDFILE4007) is a Backup copy job of physical server, backup with Windows Agent for Windows (Free edition) in v2.0.0.700

I have read the user guide that explain the limitations of Scale-Out feature and i don't see what can be the problem.
More informations :
All backup environment is in Windows Server 2016
Deduplication Windows feature is installed on 2 extents.
Job is disable when I try to create Scale-out repository
I have disable WAN accelerator in the job, I use "Direct" Data Transfer
I have read this post : microsoft-hyper-v-f25/wan-accelerator-s ... 44551.html, not solve the issue.
I have read this other post : veeam-backup-replication-f2/cannot-add- ... 53053.html, not solve the issue too.
If you have any idea to solve my problem do not hesitate, otherwise I'll open a ticket.