Lunddahl wrote:Hi everyone!
- Does anyone have any knowledge from the field they would like to share ?
Well, now i do have some knowledge to share, unfortunately this turned out to be a nightmare...
On this installation i have one vCenter Server and 3 ESX hosts, the job was to take down the old vCenter 5.0 (x.x.x.30) and replace it with a new vCenter Server Appliance (, the hosts are
The hosts was removed from the HA/DRS Cluster, by putting them in maintenance mode, when they were all out of the cluster, they were removed from the old vCenter Server, and added to the new one, a HS/DRS cluster was created, and as everything worked super, the old vCenter was powered off.
Now for backups, first i tried to remove the old vCenter from Veeam, but that was not possible because it was a dependency of my jobs, well then then new one was added, and in every job, i deleted the old VM's and added the same VM's again this time by browsing trough then new vCenter in the backup job edit dialog.
The old vCenter server could now be removed without problems, and started the first job, it failed, this job is pointing to a inventory folders, so i thought this could confuse veeam, the rest of the jobs is one job one VM type, so i tried to run the next job.
Success, and as expected this was a full backup, the VM from Veeam's perspective is another one, but has the same name, i use dedupe, and the extra data requirements was next to nothing, the VBK file has almost the same size, so dedupe is working. Well not so bad after all, no need to put that newly purchased DAS array into place anyway, pretty nice.
But unfortunately this was a lucky strike, because only VM's running on one host is able to be backed up, as soon as the were moved to other hosts in the cluster backup fails, the forums seems to tell me something about duplicate entry's in veeams database of hosts, and by looking further in, i seem to get standalone hosts in my setup randomly, as soon as they are deleted and veeam console is restarted they are there again, except for one, the one were backups is working.
Veeam has always been connected to a vcenter server, never to hosts directly.
The "funny" thing here is that i would like veeam to be able to map the same VM's togeather no matter what vCenter holds them, no such luck, but the other way around i would like veeam to differentiate the same host when it's switched from one vCenter to another, seeing it a a new infrastructure, but veeam mixes those things together, even from a license perspective, the licenses needed not to be revoked as i was expecting.
My question is now, is there a procedure for switching from one vCenter Server to another that works AND lets me keep my hosts, or do i have to tear down my whole infrastructure, just because of veeam...
- Ulrik