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Run time linux proxy server

Post by smile_dav »

I'm not sure if anybody has requested this before, I know for a fact some people have called for allowing linux servers to be proxy servers, but what about runtime deployed ones? It only make sense as this would mean you won't have to worry about backing up a proxy server itself during small backup windows?

Just an idea.
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by Gostev »

Run time or not, there are a number of reasons why we decided not to pursue Linux based proxies. We are, however, making some improvement in 6.1 to remove some final obstacles around reusing your existing Windows servers as backup proxies. Thanks!
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by lobo519 »

Gostev wrote:Run time or not, there are a number of reasons why we decided not to pursue Linux based proxies. We are, however, making some improvement in 6.1 to remove some final obstacles around reusing your existing Windows servers as backup proxies. Thanks!
So no Linux proxies in the near future?
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by foggy »

No. A bit more details here.
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by smile_dav » 1 person likes this post

Well this is still on my and many of my client's dream lists. Those damn Windows licenses...
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by Gostev »

Just use existing Windows VMs as your proxies, instead of deploying new.
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by J1mbo »

smile_dav wrote:Well this is still on my and many of my client's dream lists. Those damn Windows licenses...
Didn't I read somewhere that Hyper-V Server could be used for this?
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Any Windows server can be used as a backup proxy.
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Re: [POLL] OS for Veeam B&R management server?

Post by mrt » 1 person likes this post

when can hot-add users expect a linux based virtual appliance to replace the Windows vm they need to license and maintain? a guy can dream... :mrgreen:
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[MERGED] Proxy at remote location

Post by mikegodwin »

Is it correct that in order to have a proxy at the remote replication site, I need a Windows VM to run the proxy? There is no way to use Linux or a virtual appliance?
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by Gostev »

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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by CvBarney » 1 person likes this post

That's too bad. Not the whole world is based on Windows (thankfully!), and therefore I like the virtual appliance approach from VMware. Very easy to deploy new products (download, configure and running) and no additional OS licenses. We manage customers with large linux based environments and the only Windows servers are from management products or application dependency. But now we have to spend additional Windows licenses when we need another Veeam proxy, and not every client appreciates that. And no, we don't have spare Windows servers who can act as a proxy!

So I hope you change your mind about this in the (near) future. A whole Windows server for only transferring data is insane, look to that large (memory/disk) footprint. That can be done more efficiently, and a very small striped Linux server will be the best approach. And your security counter point is bogus: use the standard package manager from the distro to keep up to date and only deliver your small piece of proxy software.
But that's my point of view...
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[MERGED] Backup Proxy as an OVA

Post by bradclark » 4 people like this post

Instead of having a dedicated Windows Server VM to act as a Backup Proxy Agent, are there any plans for Veeam to create a lightweight Linux type Backup Proxy Appliance (OVA) that can be easily deployed at sites?
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[MERGED] Suggestion for Backup Proxy

Post by jfrancis » 2 people like this post

This may have already been suggested - I had an idea for an alternate, simpler approach to a backup proxy. Instead of bolting onto Windows (which is brilliant, I might add), what about a virtual appliance? Something really cut down, a thin linux appliance or something.

The reason for this is - we backup around 80 VMs each night, and to do so we have two dedicated, beefed up Windows servers acting as proxies. This obviously comes with the extra cost of Windows licensing, and the fat overheads of Windows. Also, we receive offsite backups from some of our clients, who may only have a single VM running on a host. Of course, the VM can't act as a proxy to backup itself, and the client doesn't want to pay for an additional windows license. This would fit perfectly in this scenario!

Veeam could even include the ability to automatically spin up preconfigured proxy appliances as required, leaving them shut down during peak hours and conserving precious RAM and CPU resources.

Just a thought :)
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Re: [MERGED] Suggestion for Backup Proxy

Post by foggy »

Jonathon, you're correct assuming that this has already been requested before. However you're not correct saying that "the VM can't act as a proxy to backup itself" as Veeam B&R proxy server can perfectly back itself up. What proxy VM cannot do is hotadd itself, so it can be backed up using network mode only (please search for existing discussions for details).
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by NightBird »

Network mode and no CBT... :'( so all Windows VM are not eligible to act as a proxy
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by veremin »

If this proxy isn't used as a Hot Add proxy, you can explicitly set Network mode, and manually enable CBT on this proxy server. This way, proxy server will backup itself, using CBT mechanism.

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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by vanbeek »

And just a Linux destination "proxy" is that an option.

Like now veeam uses a Perl script for querying the linux file information of a linux server, but is still copying all data trough the backup proxy.
Making a job copy data directly to a repository shouldn't be that difficult.

Then all "stupid" linux based storage devices can be used as a nice NAS setup. without bringing the network to a hold because all data has to go over it twice.

Network resources are a far better reason then windows licenses to request for Linux proxy's in my opinion.
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by Vitaliy S. »

anbeek wrote:Then all "stupid" linux based storage devices can be used as a nice NAS setup. without bringing the network to a hold because all data has to go over it twice.
Do you mean combining proxy and repository roles on these NAS devices?
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by Gostev »

These devices typically lack CPU power to be used as backup proxies.
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by ritontor » 1 person likes this post

Wait, so I have to buy additional windows licenses, just to run offsite backup proxies? I don't have any "existing Windows VMs", the ONLY windows box we even have is for vSphere and the Veeam server. Why isn't this mentioned up front when purchasing the product? I'm sure if you were buying a backup product and you were going to be slugged another $1000 each time you add a new remote location, you'd want to know about it too. This more than DOUBLES the cost of a Veeam license!
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by Gostev »

Why $1000? We support pretty much every existing Windows version, and every edition. You definitely don't have to buy the most expensive one :D as far as mentioning Windows requirement up front, we do have fully documented System Requirements.
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by flongin » 1 person likes this post

No news for a linux proxy server or appliance ?
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by foggy »

No such plans currently.
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Post by dbazan » 2 people like this post

We need a proxy Linux appliance, it is a waste to use a windows license on this, please create an OVA but make sure VM Tools is also installed
while you at it, how about making B&R linux based too and use PostgreSQL
in other words get rid of windows altogether.

but I will settle with the proxy for now.
anyone else who would like this option?
if so please reply and let's make this happen
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[MERGED]: Linux backup proxy

Post by finaosta » 1 person likes this post

The possibility to have a *NIX machine as a backup proxy would be great !!
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[MERGED] Feature Request: Linux as a proxy

Post by antman157 » 1 person likes this post

As we move more virtualized, I would like to see the ability to add Linux as a proxy server. Ive read its best to not use a server that is backed up by Veeam as a proxy, so in my environment that would be 2 Windows 2008R2 servers. We have several Linux servers that are not being backed up by Veeam that we could use as proxy servers. I hate to burn a Windows License just for a proxy server.
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[MERGED] Feature Request: backup proxy on Linux instead of W

Post by mikeely »

At nearly a grand per license, adding a proxy is a very expensive proposition for non-Windows shops (in other words, those of us who aren't already paying Microsoft much more money than they're worth). We have need to add a proxy to manage traffic at a remote location and $723 for the OS plus another $200 for a CAL pack... that just stinks frankly.

Given the high level of quality I see in the software Veeam currently ships for Linux it's obvious you have a talented team of Linux coders. Why not put them on this task now? In the aggregate, you'll be saving your customers millions of dollars.
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by foggy »

Hi Mike, Veeam B&R supports any version of Windows, including client ones, you do not need to buy the expensive server editions.
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Re: Run time linux proxy server

Post by mikeely »

foggy wrote:Hi Mike, Veeam B&R supports any version of Windows, including client ones, you do not need to buy the expensive server editions.
Only then we're running mission-critical software on a client operating system which (per Microsoft's SKU shenanigans) means we won't have access to various needed security and availability features.

And it's still Windows, which means it's a Martian in a Linux environment. Martians are expensive to maintain because they have requirements that are incompatible with our existing ecosystem, so the license cost is only a fraction of the TCO for running such a host. A Linux box in a Windows environment will incur the same costs.

At minimum, poll your customers about what they'd like to see in Veeam and see if there's sufficient positive response to a Linux proxy to justify the project before the bean-counters.
'If you truly love Veeam, then you should not let us do this :D' --Gostev, in a particularly Blazing Saddles moment
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