Looking forward to seeing this option be available as well. Our scenario is that a continuous backup to tape job encountered a corrupted tape after writing part of the data to it, the failed tape is ejected, Veeam pulls a new one in and continues writing the rest of the new data. The data that was written to the failed tape is now questionable and should not be trusted to use for a restore.
Currently we have to manually identify the files written to the bad tape, and then manually rewrite them from the disk to a good tape. Restoring from this new tape requires even more manual steps to get the entire chain if it is an incremental backup. Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback! It looks like you the upcoming v11 will have this problem addressed not only by tape copy feature we've been discussing here, since v11 will have manual tape verification which creates the detailed 'corrupted files' report. Cheers!
Hi - stumbled across this thread while looking for info on tape mirroring/cloning and saw it was mentioned that the feature would be in v11.
I've read the tape documentation of v11, and can only see 'Copying Tapes' which is a manual, wizard driven process mainly designed for copying tapes on older generation tapes to new ones, rather than duplicating a tape job to two drives at the same time (a policy required by some financial institutions).
Was that what you meant, or was the feature dropped? (if so, will it be included in a future update?)
EDIT: reading back through the posts more carefully, I can see there were two use-cases discussed - the migration of older tapes, and also tape duplication for policy reasons i.e. keep one offsite, and one onsite etc. My use case is the latter.
The first version of tape copy indeed provides manual start via UI, but it could be scripted via PowerShell. I keep collecting the requests for possible improvements in vNext, so thanks for sharing the feedback!