Logs shows:
Code: Select all
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.606] 1 (2404) Server: VEEAM-BACKUP (CPUs: 2, RAM: 16.0 GB)
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.621] 1 (2404) Network:
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) IPv4: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, IPv6: xyz, Adapter: Ethernet0
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.20348.0 (x64)
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) UTC Date & Time: 24.08.2023 13:04:34
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) Timezone: (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) Daylight: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) Account: xxx\yyy
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) Log level: Default
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) ================================================================================
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) Veeam.Archiver.Shell.exe: Version=
[24.08.2023 15:04:34.637] 1 (2404) Command line parameters:
[24.08.2023 15:04:38.324] 10 (5280) Connecting to (port: 9191) using current account...
[24.08.2023 15:04:38.643] 10 (5280) successfully connected
[24.08.2023 15:04:42.541] 1 (2404) Adding organization...
[24.08.2023 15:05:41.486] 1 (2404) Configuration check started...
[24.08.2023 15:05:41.487] 1 (2404) Use the following credentials (Exchange Online):
[24.08.2023 15:05:41.487] 1 (2404) Username: xxx@yyyy.zzz
[24.08.2023 15:05:41.487] 1 (2404) Grant impersonation: True
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.467] 18 (1916) Connection to the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 server was lost due to inactivity
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) Error: Failed to complete the remote task because the connection with the server was lost.
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) Type: Veeam.Engine.Wcf.RemoteTask.ConnectionLostException
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) Stack:
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) bei Veeam.Engine.Wcf.RemoteTask.ConnectionTrackerDecoratorForRemoteTaskContext`1.VerifyConnectionState()
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) bei Veeam.Engine.Wcf.RemoteTask.ConnectionTrackerDecoratorForRemoteTaskContext`1.GetResult()
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) bei Veeam.Engine.Wcf.RemoteTask.RemoteTask`1.GetResultFromServer()
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) bei Veeam.Engine.Wcf.RemoteTask.RemoteTask`1.SafeSetResult()
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) bei Veeam.Engine.Wcf.RemoteTask.RemoteTask`1.GetTaskResult()
[24.08.2023 15:35:41.494] 26 (424) bei Veeam.Archiver.Shell.Dialogs.OrganizationWizard.Base.AccountConfigPageViewModel.TaskValidateCompleted()
[25.08.2023 09:13:44.872] 1 (2404) Connection to VBO server has been lost
[25.08.2023 09:13:44.925] 45 (4592) Connecting to (port: 9191) using current account...
[25.08.2023 09:13:45.029] 45 (4592) successfully connected
[25.08.2023 09:43:44.888] 58 (6112) Connection to the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 server was lost due to inactivity
[24.08.2023 15:05:41.487] 1 (2404) Grant impersonation: True
thanks in advance and cheers